Everyone does realize that it’s not about teaching people to CODE as much as it is about teaching people to THINK … right?
Everyone does realize that it’s not about teaching people to CODE as much as it is about teaching people to THINK … right?
Web developers: help make the web more accessible to visually impaired users. Register for Intro to Web Accessibility g.co/webaccessibility
Wow. None of that is right. Amazing journalism! RT @bear: apropos of my earlier tweet: i.cloudup.com/YTMd2VkRWl-2000x20…
Twitter has submitted paperwork for an IPO ow.ly/oPdMv As of May,18% of online adults are Twitter users. pewrsr.ch/19Ib6jR
WordPress 3.6.1 Maintenance and Security Release: wp.me/pZhYe-H9
The original 9/11 Fark thread as it happened: fark.com/comments/45086
Hey-o! I got my volunteer assignment for @wordcampbalt. Are you going? 2013.baltimore.wordcamp.org
via @theonion: Apple Unveils Panicked Man With No Ideas: slate.me/1eAWNyg
iPhone 5C, “C” for “Cheap”. iPhone 5S, “S” for “Spensive”.
Oh look, Playskool ventured into the smart phone market.
iPhone 5c colors: DO NOT LIKE.
You hear that, Samsung, Motorola, and HTC? “This brand new OS is coming to all our three-year-old devices in a week.”
Friends, can we please ban ICYMI?
There’s a good thread here on what all the pseudo-classes like :hover, :active (and more) do if you want to brush up. stackoverflow.com/questions/1677…
GiveCamp Meetup for WordCamp Baltimore people! meetup.com/The-Baltimore-WordPre…
✎ “Fuck you.” bradfrostweb.com/blog/post/fuck-…
Why can’t Jupiter and Uranus just join forces and call themselves Poopiter?
Reverse style guide-ify your website: stylifyme.com/ (thx @jasonsantamaria)
Dear designers, never show a design to a client before you have shown it to your developer.
In New Hampshire, this is a big enough problem that they had to make a sign. instagram.com/p/d1OUkTIraZ/