Don’t be scared of refactoring.
Be scared of building an unmaintainable piece of crap.
Don’t be scared of refactoring.
Be scared of building an unmaintainable piece of crap.
#aeadc in tweets and pics. (BTW, @zeldman, Storify was NOT a delightful experience.) storify.com/corriespondent/aeadc…
English major nerd alert: MLA has officially devised a standard way to cite a tweet in an academic paper.
I’ve wanted to layer math formulas over landscape photography ever since seeing the work by @nikkigraziano in 2010. nikkigraziano.com/index.php/proj…
@meyerweb: “You need to unlearn everything you have learned about web design.” Person behind me: “Again?” #aeadc
Any @WordPress dev’s out there hate sync-ing wp-content/uploads? Here’s a #protip for ya! coderwall.com/p/skazcg via @coderwall
You don’t get to decide which device people use to access your content. They do. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
Delivering a desktop experience on mobile as “ergonomic lunacy”. Possibly the phrase of the day. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
“It’s people who care enough to keep thinking about something until they find the simplest way to do it.” – Tim Cook @lukew #aeadc #design
Design for thumbs. Literally: design for those blunt uncoordinated opposable dangly things on your hands. #AEADC
“Open-source your process.” @samanthatoy #AEADC
“Carousels exist in designs to keep people from beating the shit out of each other at meetings.” @samanthatoy #aeadc #webdesign
As a designer I am like a therapist or counselor – I’m interpreting the client and the common theme in their answers @samanthatoy #aeadc
This dude in front of me is using Internet explorer.
I consider him a rebel.
Props & thanks for keeping me employed
72% of online adults use social networking sites, 18% use Twitter. Updated demos in new report: pewrsr.ch/15zf9gO
If you can’t delegate at the pixel level, you’ll never ship. #aeadc
We have a new design – means something else is broken #aeadc
Samsung Sends Invites For Likely Galaxy Note III Launch On September 4th dlvr.it/3lwcNb
File Transfer & Syncing Service Pixelpipe Shuts Down, Acquisition In The Works tcrn.ch/19CAyar by @sarahintampa
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