Fuck Off As A Service. Brilliant.
Users love knowing how long their search took.
Bill Cosby, Private Investigator: “The Proof Is In The Puddin'”
Anyone know any frontend developers looking for a new job in DC? I’m growing my team, and we do some interesting work @usnews
pew pew @pewresearch RT @Gizmodo: Google was going to make you say pew pew pew to control Google Glass: gizmo.do/oSEYkoE
Baltimore Pollice
@kingkool68 I’ve built a very simple Python script that makes use of your [awesome] dummy image generator. github.com/agileadam/dummyimage
Never say “I got an error.” Say “I got this error: _______.” Never say “It didn’t work.” Say “I thought it would do X, but it did Y.”
Give a man a program, he’ll be mad for an evening. Teach a man to program and he’ll be mad for the rest of his life.
It’s 20-fucking-13, start using <label>’s with your checkboxes and radio buttons. C’mon people. #usability #accessibility #commonsense #fb
@kingkool68 there’s an app for that: bitbucket.org/dainkaplan/lionscr…. Just tested it, works on Mountain Lion.
Coming up on 7/16: July WordPressDC Meetup. @bencolmery4 talking about Maps & Brian Jessee talking about Child Themes meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/12…
my wrist hurts. guess i was too gay today.
“Can’t you do a ‘find and replace’ for all the PSD updates?”
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Please take this year’s annual WordPress survey, and tell your friends! wp-survey.polldaddy.com/s/wp-201…
Sparkler fun on the beach! @ Central Ave Beach Bethany instagram.com/p/bXhCkURzVq/
I want to start a new crusade …. NO IPADS AT WEDDINGS! It hinders others from seeing past you & you just look silly! (Drops mic)
The mark of a good developer is someone who never says “This is impossible.”