Internet is slow/down. #Apocalypse
If you start out with poor quality content, making your website responsive won’t magically fix your content. – @karenmcgrane #aeabos
Future of web design: remove every distraction you possibly can, focus on the content, make it readable on every device. – @zeldman #aeabos
Updated the Color Thief demo page. Now with drag’n’drop! Scroll to the bottom to see: lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-…
WordPress 3.5.2 Security and Maintenance Release: wp.me/pZhYe-G8
Google said to have video service that takes on Twitter’s 6-second videos and Facebook’s 15 second videos by allowing unlimited length
This mind-bending, colorful photo mosaic is actually a single photograph: j.mp/15ondvp
Basically I need to start a blog and talk about some of this stuff because not enough other people are.
Kidpix, the gateway drug to Photoshop.
Realization: civil war reenactment is just LARPing
Want: d.pr/pBsG
Thanks everyone! API v1 Retirement is complete. Please use API v1.1 instead. dev.twitter.com/blog/api-v1-is-r…
Better NSA slides: slideshare.net/EmilandDC/dear-ns…
Hey, I like @Medium and all, but since when did all the cool kids give up on our own personal blogs?
It’s not the tools, it’s the problem and what you’re trying to get out of it. Learn the tools to solve the problem. @derekwillis #onadc
Found the perfect Mac Pro server rack: amzn.to/11rqQ1a
Tabs and tags. OSX is now a web 2.0 application
Today is the day we get to find out what features Apple is copying from android & linux in a way that is 10x more usable and 30x more pretty