reminder sponsorships for 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC (Oct. 13) opened today. Registration opens August 14. #aea
So not only has Apple taken a step back by dropping google maps they are also removing YouTube. If you want ton remove an app, remove stocks
Hey #aea – if you need more #rwd, I’m teaching a hands-on responsive web design workshop for @dcww on 8/14 in DC. responsivewebdesign.eventbrite.c…
Solve the parts, not the whole problem. #aea
Carousels. Great. #aea
“You can’t mock up performance in Photoshop.” @brad_frost #aea
Work less, not harder.
Plz RT: If you care about #WordPress #accessibility, @DavidAKennedy is working on an accessible #WP theme. Tweet him w/ yr ideas.
Thanks to my heart rate monitor, you can see the moment at the gym where I realized I didn’t have my wallet
Russell will be attending some nerd conference in Alexandria for the next 3 days … sorry in advance for all his nerdy post til then.
The sky is angry over #nyc @ New York
Feeling way better. Psyched for tomorrow’s show! #aea
False advertisement. People don’t cheer at golf events nor is it exciting.
Captioning video is just a good idea, whether or not it’s required by law. It’s the right thing to do.…
✩ On Twit.TV, @leolaporte interviews me about web standards, content first and why communists make lousy band managers.
A cool picture of the Milky Way as seen from Mars:
Anyone know of a conference space in the DC area ( for 501(c)(3) ) that fits 500-750ish in one room and 200+ish in 2-3 others?
“Marketing has gotten too metrics heavy. Not everything that counts can be counted; not everything that can be counted counts.” @jbecher
Half the refrigerators in India are without power. #spoileralert