“I don’t believe anything really revolutionary has been invented by committee.” – Steve Wozniak
Olympic opening ceremony participant captures inside view with hidden camera: j.mp/ODnLbV
Oh gawd, Viera. LEARN WHO TIM BERNERS-LEE IS. #OpeningCeremony
Want people to find your web content through search? Make well-indexed pages with info not buried in videos or pdfs. @photomatt #nextgengov
Pretty much every Internet poll needs a “Who cares?” option.
I can’t wait for OS X 10.9 Nyan Cat.
The August @WordPressDC meetup is going to be a good one. We are featuring @yurivictor: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/74…
Half of Seinfeld’s plot lines wouldn’t exist if they had cellphones
Wanted: People who are familiar with making things accessible on the web. We want and need you to help contribute to WordPress 🙂
Rebuild @digg in six weeks? Go @newsdotme go! rethinkdigg.com/
Does your business need 3D HD graphics “beyond your greatest imagination”? These are your guys: skullgraphicz.com – thx @threewayswitch
I’m still captioning my video LOL almost half way done. I really think that video captioning is the HARDEST part of #a11y the rest is easy!
Looking forward to the empanadas @kingkool68 brought home from his meet-up last night. Waayyy better choice then the left over beer. Lol
reminder to save October 13th, 2012, to attend the 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC event. @AccessCampDC #a11y #AxS #DCTech #UX #fb
Idea: video chat + rap battles. Call it “FaceRhyme”.
Social media becomes an echo chamber too quickly and too often.
PLEASE: let’s kill the terrible idea of delivering news on the web in video form. I don’t have 4 minutes & headphones. Write that shit down.
Literally True Fact: Marissa Mayer personally patched the hole in the Titanic and sailed it to New York. She has a track record, people.
Excited to announce I accepted a web position with @pewresearch and will be moving to Washington, DC in August. It’s been real, #Chicago.
Our WordPress wizards hats for WordCamp Fayetteville! #WCFay