
So #AngularJS rather than put your code in your JavaScript you just put it in the HTML. JS devs seem not to care about semantic HTML. #a11y
So #AngularJS rather than put your code in your JavaScript you just put it in the HTML. JS devs seem not to care about semantic HTML. #a11y
Stop Misusing Select Menus – UX Movement
Great post!
I’m still captioning my video LOL almost half way done. I really think that video captioning is the HARDEST part of #a11y the rest is easy!
Make #WordPress Accessibility… #a11y #GAAD
Making Nine Million Sites More Accessable
Accessibility Evangelist @dequesystems. I focus on Mobile Accessibility (Android & iOS) & Modern Web #a11y (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, WAI-ARIA, WCAG 2.0)