User-Agent: ∅
I’ve set my User-Agent string to an empty string (via an extension). Let’s see what will happen…
User-Agent: ∅
I’ve set my User-Agent string to an empty string (via an extension). Let’s see what will happen…
In honor of today’s Leap Day, @office365 will be taking 24 hours of downtime to avoid having to change their name.
“So, how did you learn HTML and CSS?”
”Oh, we used to look at the source code of sites a lot, you know. View source FTW!”
<div> is simultaneously the best and worst feature of the web.
Best: super flexible and easy to use. You can build anything out of it.
Worst: super flexible and easy to use. You can build anything out of it.
Thread 🧵
just a public service reminder that progressive enhancement is a v good way to make your thing work in old browsers—even the really old ones.
no, i don’t mean ssr and hydration.
Great blog post from my teammate Hanna Laakso on why you should probably avoid using <input type=number />
👋 Hey!
I’m looking for a new gig immediately in devrel or webperf engineering. A bit about me:
🤓 15 years as a front end developer.
📝 I’ve written for @alistapart, @smashingmag, @css, and @google.
📣 International speaker.
Interested? DMs open!
There are a few jr – mid UX roles opening up in the DC / NoVa area.
Reply if you’re interested or know someone who is.
It’s Wednesday! Time to match some #WordPress people with some awesome employers.
Comment below with any open positions in your company or that you know about.
Together, we make our community stronger. ❤️
@devongovett lol wut? You can build accessible components with HTML and CSS only.
Attending WordCamp DC? The GoDaddy Pro team wants to interview web designers and WordPress developers for a new video series. Interested in sharing your story and expertise? DM me for details. #MakersOfTheWeb #WCDC
Don’t let the simple syntax trick you, dive into it and learn how it works.
Ask a lot of questions.
Don’t be happy when something works, but find out why it’s working.
Use your dev tools to see what’s really going on.
CSS is a programming language (fight me). As unintuitive as it might feel to you at times, it’s not just these random things that happen.
@MrAhmadAwais Because it’s just not their style 🙂
Why do developers love to hate #CSS?
Digging the experimental CSS Overview panel in DevTools. Relatively simple right now, but an interesting proposition for sure.
If hell exists it’s probably just a neverending loop of trying to put a toddler to sleep.
Working on a blog post about Material Design text fields and have a challenge for you! For each instance of “Text”, try to figure out if it’s a label, placeholder, or value. And try to figure out which fields are disabled!
that’s because we keep inventing new JavaScript frameworks
code is art; it should be equally available to all. let’s love whomever we wish. @[email protected] 🖕 Donald Trump 🖕