Yay! I’m heading to Washington, DC to tell all who will listen about making #WordPress-to-Static sites without Gatsby or writing code.
Tuesday, 18-Feb from 6-8 PM.
I’d love to see you there!
Yay! I’m heading to Washington, DC to tell all who will listen about making #WordPress-to-Static sites without Gatsby or writing code.
Tuesday, 18-Feb from 6-8 PM.
I’d love to see you there!
you have one problem:
you want icons in your <select> menu options.
you decide to make a custom select menu:
you now have at least 75 problems.
@github @Cloudflare @Google @iRobot @awscloud @digitalocean This is a dark pattern. It implies that the least expensive option is $40 a month rather than the $5 a month option. t.co/DgOP7Jb4Fw
“He was a skater birb, she said see ya later birb”
Now that our industry is finally recovering from the mass delusion that microservices was going to be the future, it’s surely time to for the even bigger delusion that serverless is what’s going to provide the all-purpose salvation 🙄😂
@hankchizljaw The people working on Gatsby are too clever not to know this is misleading. Performance 101 is knowing that JS is expensive because it has to be computed and run, not just because it has to be downloaded.
Someone told me that Pitbull is Jeff Bezos’s alt and I can’t unsee it.
Periodic Reminder: When debugging, you must first accept that something you believe is true is not true. If everything you believed about this system were true, it would work. It doesn’t, so you’re wrong about something.
This is a surprisingly common stumbling block for devs.
@kingkool68 @dshif I mean REALLY. If you’re red/green color blind (about 8.5% of people), you’re not seeing this. t.co/HJrVgaSOvF
Tip: highlight images missing alt text with img:not([alt])
Palindrome day, but more importantly, the US and the EU can finally agree on the date to display too!
DDMMYYYY: 02022020
MMDDYYYY: 02022020
YYYYMMDD: 20200202
YYYYDDMM: 20200202
If you’re an entrepreneur who is growing and you have a small team or maybe one or two people helping you but you can’t pay them tons because you’re just starting, here are some affordable perks you can offer them:
@kingkool68 Yes also notepad.
Why are we still doing websites this way:
1. Sitemap
2. Wireframes
3. UI Design
4. Front-end development
5. Pattern and style guide
6. CMS build
7. Content migration
8. Launch
Do projects that follow this plan ever go according to schedule?
Nothing about a web project is linear
Can you recommend frontend conferences that would be interested in a talk about HTML?
I’d like to give it a shot with my @htm_hell talk. I have so many fanatstic stupid ideas. 😁
If you’re watching The Big Game™ this weekend, why not try some Food™? Whether crunchy or creamy, meaty or wheaty, nothing satisfies like a large quantity of Food™
I stumbled upon a technique for generating fluid charts that don’t require JavaScript. It seems to work pretty well dev.to/richharris/a-new-techniqu…
I wrote about my unexpected odyssey into the heart of high-performance figerboarding subculture for @outline. With stops in San Diego, Salt Lake City, and rural Bavaria. theoutline.com/post/8614/my-jour…
@kingkool68 Have you seen this? htmlforms.io
WordPress theme developer @ThemetryHQ. Co-organizer @WordPressDC.