How to remove the extremely ๐คannoying MacOS “5-second before it becomes a file” screenshot delay
1) CMD + SHIFT + 5
2) Click OPTIONS
3) Uncheck “Show Floating Thumbnail”
4) You’re welcome
How to remove the extremely ๐คannoying MacOS “5-second before it becomes a file” screenshot delay
1) CMD + SHIFT + 5
2) Click OPTIONS
3) Uncheck “Show Floating Thumbnail”
4) You’re welcome
Excited my hometown WordCamp is happening again in 2020!
Speaker applications are open for @wordcampdc ๐
How to host video content on AWS while not paying for data transfer or storage charges by abusing some AWS features.
Stop. Trying. To. Do. Everything. In. JavaScript.
Nobody learns how to write good software without writing lots lots of bad software first. Don’t let fear that your code will suck paralyze you.
I prefer tabs over spaces; light themes over dark. I can’t help it that the world is wrong.
Our call for speakers is up. Please consider applying to speak at our second WordCamp DC!…
My wife left me home alone with the kids to go out drinking with her friends. A lesser man might whine and complain, but instead I’m just playing Chumbawamba’s 1997 hit “Tubthumping” over and over and over. On the jukebox at their bar. Using the TouchTunes app.
We’re hiring a mid-level developer for our design system! If you or someone you know might be interested in working on a mature system at scale, slide into my DMs. Specifically looking for more candidates from under represented backgrounds โจ
Need some colors for your design system?
Check out… Color Stacks! I plan on writing more about the motivation for the project and how best to use it, but for now, have fun playing with the buttons and sliders.…
This might be the single most accurate description of having kids by @paulg
Just a reminder @WordPress folks @WordCampLanc call to speakers is live on the site —…
Looks like I picked a bad day to set this app up
This website is great.
But why?! ๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ
The last 10 years of web development have just been a long, slow walk back to the fantastic developer ergonomics and resilience of a PHP web app.
๐ Already more than 3,054 sites powered by #Nginx with #WordOps around the world !
In other news, today is my last day with MOJ. I’m looking forward to a nice break over xmas and new year but after that I’ll be looking for a new role. If you or someone you know needs a designer then get in touch.
RTs appreciated ๐
Does anyone else instinctively, repeatedly hit “command-s” when working on something b/c of some previous traumatic experience where you almost lost important work or is that just me?
I was sad to hear about @istrategylabs layoffs today. It’s the end of a #dctech stalwart.
I have two open positions on the dev team @Slate and am happy to help make connections in DC tech for anyone out there that could use it. DMs are open if you’re into that sort of thing.…
VP, Technology @slate. Opinions are my own (and silly.)