Boycotting Raisin Bran until they fire their nonsensical, bullshit mascot, Sunny

Boycotting Raisin Bran until they fire their nonsensical, bullshit mascot, Sunny
Fun fact! Baby elephants are born weighing ~250 pounds, making them the world’s biggest babies, right next to the people who complain that CSS isn’t really coding 🧠✨💅🏼
Big, personal thread.
I was 16 when my folks found out I’d been having sex for a year.
They were upset. But not for the reasons you’d think.
Back on the job hunt after being laid off yesterday. If you know of anything in the full-stack or front-end dev realm (typescript, vue.js, django, node) and remote, I’d appreciate a connection!
I normally refrain from tweeting about controversial topics but I have to get this off my chest. Jelly is the dumbest food imaginable, it won’t spread- you just move big globs of it around on the bread to make smaller globs seriously motherfuck jelly
@kingkool68 At first I thought it was a histogram using the initials of the districts!
👋 I have finished my portfolio and am currently looking for work. If you are interested in working with me, let me know! I am open to feedback as well 🙂
Git push it
Git pull it
Git bop it
Git twist it
Looks like FACEBOOK will need to add some new filters:
JavaScript isn’t always available and it’s not the user’s fault by Adam Silver adamsilver.io/articles/javascrip…
Hi! I’m a front-end developer looking for a (junior) role in Europe!👋
• Experienced with JavaScript/HTML/CSS/React
• 4 months dev experience, coding since 2018
• Keen to relocate (in rural Ireland atm 🌳)
Personal site: erinmcg.com ✨
RTs hugely appreciated 🙂
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what the creators of HTML had in mind…
@nvioli Prosecutor: where were you on or about 2:31am of November 3, 2019?
Me: which 2:35am?
Jury: *gasps*
Gallery: *additional gasps*
Judge: Time is a social construct!! Case dismissed! The defendant is free to go.
My appropriately geeky costume. Take a guess…
New favourite loading spinner twitter.com/QuayMatt/status/1189…
THE CAPS won the Cup
THE MYSTICS won the Finals
THE WIZARDS are trying their best
THE NATIONALS won the Series
It’s gonna be pretty awkward if the Nats win the World Series and deny an invitation to go to the White House since its just down the street
I’m finally in Chicago! I’m looking for a new position here, doing UX, content strategy, IA, or program/team management. I’m also excited to meet the local UX/design/tech community! Who wants to get together?
Just FYI… As of this week, I find myself back in the job market.
I’m looking for something remote, working in the intersection of UX & JS.
I have experience in: React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node, Electron, etc.
Know of anyone hiring for that skill-set?
Does anyone else find the middle of the day their least productive time of day?
¯_(ツ)_/¯ AF // freelance Design Director // formerly instructor @SVA_AdvDesign , worked @Droga5 , @RGA , @google @30WeeksProgram , @Anomaly