@jpdevries here’s what I see in one screen. You emphasize selection tools. I want to see the grid, a preview, color… twitter.com/i/web/status/7803840…
@jpdevries here’s what I see in one screen. You emphasize selection tools. I want to see the grid, a preview, color… twitter.com/i/web/status/7803840…
When it comes to accessibility, just do it and ask forgiveness later. No one will get mad that you made your site more accessible #refreshdc
Feel free to chat with me on Twitter, Facebook, SMS, Skype, Hangouts, Google Talk, Allo, Duo, Slack, GroupMe, AIM, IRC, Morse Code, Email…
“Building in resilience is also known as defensive design: a system shouldn’t break wholly if a single part of it fails or isn’t supported.”
Trying to watch Sunday night football online is a terrible, horrible crappy experience with bloated ad-laden pages, cable co verification…
We need more companies who blog about their infrastructure. Being able to say: “don’t take my word for it, here are 10 other posts” is huge.
Scary good scam mail
– email by real person
– content credible
– link looks like attachment
– landingpage looks real
Looking upward inside the Palace of Fine Arts in San Fransisco. #ZadieAlyssa #palace #upward instagram.com/p/BJHskutBbxy/
Letting Medium manage your online existence. What could go wrong?
– Geocities
– Blogger
– MySpace
– Editorially
… twitter.com/thinkprogress/status…
The most important fact is that the Clintons had a videogame based on their cat called Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socks_th…
Love what @billy_penn does in Philly?
@theinclinePGH is coming, Pittsburgh. Give us ❤️:
? facebook.com/theinclinepgh
? instagram.com/theinclinepgh
Don’t know any field other than IT where a team of skilled people can work hard for 9 hours and have nothing to show for it and no idea why.
I wish Forbes.com would work half as hard as Beyonce. Went to read an article and I’m left staring at..
Broken tech culture is seeing the success of Pokémon Go & attributing it to AR instead of a huge 25-year-old global cultural phenomenon.
Progressive Enhancement is
less “but what if JavaScript is disabled?”, more “can our core services be more tolerant of everyday conditions”
Went to tag people in a photo on Facebook. Facebook detected one of the people is pregnant and added a box around her belly to tag the baby.
@mattcutts Moby Dick House of Kabob is my favorite lunch spot mobyskabob.com/ Not sure if one is near the Pentagon. @jfc3 would know
@daniellealberti Engadget and The Verge both have their reviews up. Seems like a decent upgrade. AND what did I tell you about getting 32GB?
Hey DC — my friend @liamdempsey is speaking about public speaking at @WordPressDC on 6/21. It’s going to be awesome! meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/23…
To me, that’s the work. That’s the fun part. Shit does happen. I love the quest for resilience. The strengths of our tiers applied with care
Web Designer/Dev. My course: Lightning-Fast Web Performance scottjehl.com/lfwp. Author of @responsiblerwd. Part of the @filamentgroup crew. I love to surf.