@liamdempsey People at other schools existed?
@liamdempsey People at other schools existed?
@liamdempsey I’m gonna go out on a limb here but I like Vegas now owned by Magix
They have a 30 day free trial. PC only.
My Twitter Family:
Parents: @elgreg @luke__duncan
Spouse: @JoAnnStilley
Children: @JessSchillinger @liamdempsey
via roundyear.fun/twitterfamily
@TaraClaeys @liamdempsey You’ve created something really special
@liamdempsey @TaraClaeys Wow what a great birthday @TaraClaeys !!!
@liamdempsey I did.
@liamdempsey The Avalanches “Since I Left You” is like one continuous song
@anthonydpaul @TaraClaeys @liamdempsey wow time flies twitter.com/kingkool68/status/91…
@liamdempsey @wpcli Just wait until you need to do a search and replace developer.wordpress.org/cli/comm…
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg @JosephHHoward @leedrozak @TaraClaeys @charlie3 hallwaychats.com/ is a podcast about WordPressers with @TaraClaeys & @liamdempsey like talking to someone in the hallways at WordCamps.
Oh, hey, if you wanna be on our show, @TaraClaeys and @liamdempsey want to hear from you. Please get in touch with us via our website.
@liamdempsey Congratulations on your impressive bizdev synergies
Do you want to be interviewed on our show? @TaraClaeys + @liamdempsey are looking to meet + chat with new people that they have not yet met.
If you’re interested, please take a moment to let us know!
RT’s appreciated!
@liamdempsey @design_tlc @HallwayChats You should check out this podcast episode on podcasting shoptalkshow.com/episodes/265-on…
Hey DC — my friend @liamdempsey is speaking about public speaking at @WordPressDC on 6/21. It’s going to be awesome! meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/23…
@liamdempsey Don’t forget AMPPS ampps.com/ It’s like MAMP Pro but free.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.