The Meta logo looks like a sad droppy Visual Studio logo…

The Meta logo looks like a sad droppy Visual Studio logo…
Instead of taxing unrealized gains (which sounds absolutely bonkers) why not tax loans that use stock assets as collateral? Couldn’t that be a way to discourage billionaires from avoiding taxes?
Just updated to MacOS Monterey 12.0.1 and everything is fine.
@levelsio Loving the #1 of highest paying jobs
Man I forgot how much fun video editing is.
(Minus when the render crashes with 95% done)
I was worried that my 2018 talk “Why We Ditched AMP” (immediately following the Google person’s talk! eep!) might have been a wee bit too critical.
In retrospect, I was more than generous about Google’s motivations. (gets good around 24:00) publishers.wordcamp.org/2018-chi…
Me as a teenager: Skateboarding is not a crime.
Me as an adult: HTML is not a crime. twitter.com/JGamblin/status/1451…
I’m going to tell my kids this is the rainbow road level of Mario Kart twitter.com/KangarooPhysics/stat…
A spooky Halloween treasure hunt in the books! The girls enjoyed the trail but were more excited about the ring pops from the treasure chest and the multiple playgrounds along the way.
📸 instagram.com/p/CVZQ8dmsf5S/ via tweet.photo
📸 instagram.com/p/CVZOpxkMh3r/ via tweet.photo
He didn’t want to wear his hat so I did.
📸 instagram.com/p/CVZOYsSMqex/ via tweet.photo
So you’re telling me the reality-star dog man didn’t even get close to finding the Florida bad guy who killed the young blonde girl? Interesting.
Someone sent me an email where the subject line was my email and the message body was my email
If you REALLY love Favicons then I suggest reading this mega analysis post by candlelight in a private room with soft jazz in the background.
“We Analyzed 425,909 Favicons”
Just mailed out 200+ socks and have 200 pairs left. Rumor has it they increase your startup’s odds of getting @microacquire’d. Retweet if you want a free pair. t.co/bYksO6NWMX
Introducing the @CoderPad widget for FigJam.
You can now use pads to collaborate while coding, and execute that code within a FigJam canvas.
OMG, I cannot believe that people are complaining about the camera notch on the new MacBook Pros. You do understand that you’re GAINING screen area, right? Apple extended the image up into what used to be blackness. (And put the menu bar there. The notch doesn’t block anything.) t.co/QQKdSUcMQ1
Do you ever think that maybe computers are too fast?
This is a good breakdown of the pros and cons of headless WordPress. twitter.com/aaronjorbin/status/1…
PHP & JavaScript engineer/ dog enthusiast. Super nerd for ecology, growing plants, crypto, open source, WordPress, Laravel, React, sci-fi, space
He/ Him