The kid grew teeth and, y’all, it’s time for family size

The kid grew teeth and, y’all, it’s time for family size
I was worried that my 2018 talk “Why We Ditched AMP” (immediately following the Google person’s talk! eep!) might have been a wee bit too critical.
In retrospect, I was more than generous about Google’s motivations. (gets good around 24:00) publishers.wordcamp.org/2018-chi…
I’m pleased to announce a project that I’ve been working on for more months than I’m prepared to admit.
It ain’t perfect, but I hope that some of y’all will find it useful!
Some news! Soon, I will not have a job. Hire me! brianboyer.net/
15-minute warning! Tune in live and watch me be awkward and occasionally angry.
Topics covered:
– What the devil has Brian been up to lately?
– How the hell do you get people to give you money?
– What is the fucking deal with newsletters?
WATCH LIVE: 2018-chicago.publishers.wordcamp…
Windmill high-fives to the @spiritedmediaco product team @kingkool68 @montchr @livlab, @daveburdick and the @denverite crew, and @fundjournalism, our partners in this endeavor!
So I’m *super* geeked to be joining the brilliant team at @spiritedmediaco (home of @dnvrite @theinclinepgh & @billy_penn). Woo!
I help news orgs make awesome products. Previously @spiritedmediaco @nprviz @tribapps @propubnerds. Currently freelance. Gonna try and bird less, see link.