Meanwhile the desktop computer I bought that monitor for probably costs $279 today.
Meanwhile the desktop computer I bought that monitor for probably costs $279 today.
It’s wild that in December 2013 I bought an Acer 23″ touch screen full HD computer monitor for $279 and today that same monitor is being sold for the same price.
🤓 TIL about the “ping” attribute on <a> tags, which will send a POST request to the given URLs when the anchor is clicked.
Kids after bath: WE WANT TO WATCH TV!
I put on a 10 hour fish aquarium video
@tlakomy I made this just for you 😂
JavaScript in 2021? What’s going on?
Let’s brainstorm!
What size is your monitor?
More app demo screenshots with devices being held by emoji hands please twitter.com/the_augg/status/1362…
👇👇👇 THIS twitter.com/polevaultweb/status/…
tl;dr Build and deployment scripts are in a git repo. A pull request is made modifying the build and deployment scripts. When the pull request is opened a build is started to run tests etc. The modified build script deploys a malicious file live to production. twitter.com/xssfox/status/136228…
If your web app design means the back button doesn’t work your app is, from the user’s perspective, broken.
Valentine’s Day Night, 2021.
📸 instagram.com/p/CLUR2vcMQld/ via tweet.photo
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_… twitter.com/RickWrightNow/status…
🎥 Announcing Remotion – a framework for making videos in React!
The video below was written entirely in React, here is the source code! github.com/JonnyBurger/remotion-…
📒 Docs: remotion.dev
⚛️ Github: github.com/JonnyBurger/remotion
💻 Quickstart: yarn create video t.co/DBNRnsXQH7
** Driving 3 year old to school while it is snowing lightly **
Wow there sure are a lot of snow plows out!
** She thinks for a moment **
Do they have a snow plow in China?
Thread: Back in 2019, found that the Seattle library has a huge archive of HOW Magazine, which covered graphic design back in the 90s. It’s a great insight into how varied the design landscape was at the time.
The works below are by Studio MD, one of my all-time favorite firms. t.co/FvvnSunkBu
An FCC study found that the cheapest way to provide broadband nationally is for the government to simply do it themselves.
We’ve spent north of $56 billion failing to do something that we could have done correctly for $40 billion. newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-tec…
Original source: reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/com…
I know it SHOULDN’T but I suspect that this WordPress change will kill a whole bunch of websites. 🤔
#WordPress now at 40% marketshare (+4.3% in a year), 64.3% of all CMS marketshare*. 📈
It outpaced the growth of Shopify and Squarespace since Jan 1. @WooCommerce among “fastest growing”.
* = according to @W3Techs t.co/zxss0dmaBI
Dad³. PHP/WordPress/BuddyPress. Project Manager @AwesomeMotive. #WCMIA Cofounder. Meetup & event organizer. Tweets & ❤️ are my own. Find me: davidbisset.social