Truncation is not a content strat… – @karenmcgrane
Truncation is not a content strat… – @karenmcgrane
Some interesting, transparent user testing of the WordPress admin UI: make.wordpress.org/ui/2012/06/22…
“If you have a clunky workflow that will filter down into everything else.” @alliwagner
How to enable the new YouTube design theverge.com/2011/11/21/2577332/…
The thing that turns me off the most about CSS preprocessors is how intense the users of them are.
It’s interesting to do a search for “!important” in UA stylesheets to see other stuff that is impossible to change through CSS.
Gosh if there was only a service that’s been around forever where you could listen to any song at any time…
Co-founder @CodePen. Podcasts @ShopTalkShow. Married @jmm.
Ran CSS-Tricks 2007-2022.
I like it when you like things.