@lelandf @ShopTalkShow Oh sweet! I’ll give it a listen
@lelandf @ShopTalkShow Oh sweet! I’ll give it a listen
My favorite podcast of 2022! @ShopTalkShow
pca.st/podcast/d8fb5c80-1d1e-012… #pocketcasts #endofyear2022
@walpolea @ShopTalkShow The very first webpage still holds up some 31 years later… info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/ThePr…
@meyerweb @zeldman @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow Ooo that’s a lotta <div>s
@zeldman @meyerweb @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow There was mention of a demo with a bunch of <div>s and using :has() to do some sort of interactive lighting them up or something. Is there a link for that?
@ShopTalkShow Wow awesome work. I think I’ve listened to almost every episode.
@freshyill @ShopTalkShow @chriscoyier Yeah but how many grapefruits were you able to snag?
@ShopTalkShow really enjoyed the fruit rant from @chriscoyier at the end of episode 491. If I was a fruit farmer I too would charge $1,000 per pineapple.🍍
@ShopTalkShow Interview Dave in a suit is nightmare fuel
@davatron5000 Dear Uncle Dave,
Listening to you and @chriscoyier talk about monitors on @ShopTalkShow has caused me to obsessively research the intricacies of monitor tech. Sooo a question for you…
Is a refresh rate higher than 100hz worth it for day to day dev work? No gaming
@_vade I listen to @ShopTalkShow when I can
@wpmodder @ShopTalkShow podcast, Twitter mostly
@ShopTalkShow Small contrast issue on the new design after submitting a question
A retro throw back for the @ShopTalkShow redesign shoptalkshow.com/
@ShopTalkShow @davatron5000 @jamstackconf How come no one has made a static sure generator called Strawberry Jam yet…
After listening @chriscoyier & @davatron5000 talk about @Coil on @ShopTalkShow I signed up and added it to dummyimage.com
Now you can pay creators for time spent on site. It’s an interesting experiment.
@davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow re: podcasting habits
I’ve been with most of the podcasts I listen to since the begining. I took a break when I switched jobs and didn’t commute as much. I’ve since caught up and listened to most of the back episodes.
@davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow “Automate your responsibilities”
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
@davatron5000 re: responsibilities and bills from the latest @ShopTalkShow
I automate all of my bills so they can never be late. One less thing to think about.
He tweets while waiting at a red light
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.