Be Prepared for Failure and Handle it Gracefully by @_hmig css-tricks.com/be-prepared-for-f…
Be Prepared for Failure and Handle it Gracefully by @_hmig css-tricks.com/be-prepared-for-f…
Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks css-tricks.com/learnings-from-a-…
CSS fix for 100vh in mobile WebKit css-tricks.com/css-fix-for-100vh…
For all the end-of-year lists coming… before you give up and do:
<p>10. </p>
<p>9. </p>
Remember you can do:
<ol reversed>
<li>Highest number in list</li>
<li>Second highest</li>
<li>etc… t.co/4aeIBQkfsb
We know the only elements in the <head> are meta, link, title, style, script, noscript, and base, but there are LOTS of things those elements can do.
If the browser sees an HTML element in the <head> that isn’t title, meta, style, script, base or link, it moves them to the <body>. That’s why there will never be a new element that belongs in the head, and we get weird stuff like <link rel=”preconnect”>.
IndieWeb and Webmentions css-tricks.com/indieweb-and-webm…
Here’s Google straight up saying: Content that is JavaScript-rendered is expensive for them to parse. They do it, but they punt on it for a while and updates are slow. “We can’t make any guarantees.”
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