The tl;dr is supposed to come at the top of the email, folks. The TOP! I cannot stress this enough.
The tl;dr is supposed to come at the top of the email, folks. The TOP! I cannot stress this enough.
I was sad to hear about @istrategylabs layoffs today. It’s the end of a #dctech stalwart.
I have two open positions on the dev team @Slate and am happy to help make connections in DC tech for anyone out there that could use it. DMs are open if you’re into that sort of thing. twitter.com/CapitolCom/status/12…
@nvioli Prosecutor: where were you on or about 2:31am of November 3, 2019?
Me: which 2:35am?
Jury: *gasps*
Gallery: *additional gasps*
Judge: Time is a social construct!! Case dismissed! The defendant is free to go.
Also, when you’re done with a spreadsheet, it’s called a spreadshat. Tell your friends and colleagues.
If twitter got rid of retweets and replies, that might just solve all the things.
“Let’s elect a sane, competent, person with international experience.”
The bar. So low. So achievable. Please vote. Good god.
“Move fast and break things” sounds really awesome until you have a bunch broken stuff in a brittle code base.
I mean, why does underwear even need elastic? It’s not like they’re going to fall off your legs in your pants.
So this is as humid as it can get, right? The point where it’s actually raining inside my shirt?
Are you a wordpress freelancer? My friends at thedream.us are looking for a quick contractor to help them out. @, DM or email me.
The panic over people being able to send me email via Google+ is ridiculous. Any asshat can send you email. Just filter it.
Do as I say, not as I do. Wait. No. Do as I do, not as I say. Wait. No. Do as I tweet, not as…
Please just ignore me.
Idea from @kingkool68 and @greglinch: decaying/dead JS library meetup. As your library dies, we honor you (and maybe let you talk about it.)
Two front page stories today about software glitches. This shit ain’t easy, kids.
Wow. None of that is right. Amazing journalism! RT @bear: apropos of my earlier tweet: i.cloudup.com/YTMd2VkRWl-2000x20…
Based solely on View Source, Obama is totally going to win this thing. elgreg.org/post/29725973284/obam…
nothingsgonnastopmenow.com/ that is all. h/t @alexnazarov
First Chuck Brown, then Donna Summer, now Robin Gibb?! Oh fate, how many 70s musicians can you force me to google in one week?!?
Internet Rule #3,672: any attempt at self-diagnosis on WebMD will end in AIDS.
Time to start working from the library: D.C. First in Nation to Get 100-Gigabit Fiber Network [DailyTech] trove.com/s/122883/ZkLNX?src=tw via @trove
VP, Technology @slate. Opinions are my own (and silly.)