so uh websites are now multi-page applications or wut
so uh websites are now multi-page applications or wut
IndieWeb Directory – indieweb-directory.glitch.me/
Little UI Details – twitter.com/i/moments/8806882336…
@kingkool68 “Midvale School for the Gifted”
#a11y matters. twitter.com/ErichManser/status/7…
Show of hands if you know someone from your youth who died playing with their parents’ firearm.
I’ll start: ✋?
Shorter @instagram: “We’ve finally removed `user-scalable=no` from our viewport `<meta>` element.” #a11y twitter.com/instagram/status/770…
Just don’t, kids. twitter.com/simevidas/status/736…
Homebrew Website Club DC is looking for a new venue. Know of a space for 5-ish folks to meet every other week to hack on projects? #indieweb
Another official recommendation from Google: Use feature detection and progressive enhancement.
Homebrew Website Club is tonight! Come on by and tinker on your personal website:
– indiewebcamp.com/events/2016-02-…
– facebook.com/events/117000372639…
I have no idea how many folks might show up on Wednesday night for Homebrew Website Club DC, but I’m excited! facebook.com/events/762488627220…
“Cater to humans instead of gimmicky syntax.”
Some p. good advice here on writing the CSS: thescenery.co/guides/css-as-read…
“Bloated, invasive ad tracking isn’t a law of nature. It’s a choice. We can choose to change.” – @adactio adactio.com/journal/9312
“The web’s answer to the native challenge should be radical simplification, not even more tools.” – @ppk quirksmode.org/blog/archives/201…
Spend a couple days on hotel WiFi and tell me how you feel about designing multi-megabyte “experiences.”
Stop making the Web hard, y’all.
That’s twice in one day that _basic_ activities (renewing a library book, buying something) have failed because of JavaScript errors.
Web developer, musician (@theorchid), photographer, author, community organizer emeritus (@refreshdc), and suspect patent holder.