★ “Using GitHub on Multidisciplinary Teams” – sixtwothree.org/posts/using-gith…
★ “Using GitHub on Multidisciplinary Teams” – sixtwothree.org/posts/using-gith…
@zeldman @adactio In fact, the updated state motto is now, “Virginia Is For Servers.”
Vanity metrics: a piece of data upon which you cannot act. – @sazzy Examples: hits, total signups, pageviews, likes, retweets #aeadc
Fragmentions, I like you a whole lot: kevinmarks.com/fragmentions.html
Think you’re a hot shot web developer? Run your work through VoiceOver, ChromeVox, or JAWS for a nice, tall glass of reality.
“Using pixels is not very polite” – @vasilis on font sizing and media queries. A good read: nerd.vasilis.nl/using-pixels-pol…
“They’re abandoning the Titanic by hitching a ride on the Hindenberg.” @adactio on The Brooklyn Museum, Flickr, etc. adactio.com/journal/6739/
CoffeeScript is great! APRIL FOOLS! CoffeeScript is abhorrent.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by the ridiculous notion that CoffeeScript is a good idea.
Every time I see a really good piece of writing on @medium, I think, “Man, that’d make for a great blog post on your own site.”
I love that @ConvergeRVA’s speaker lineup is almost entirely made up of people I’ve never heard speak before.
Every web designer and FED in DC should be in @beep’s Responsive Web Design workshop today. Seriously good stuff.
.@aneventapart, year-over-year, is more evolutionary than revolutionary but it absolutely delivers on awesome speakers and topics. #aeadc
Five and a half years on, the @refreshdc community continues to inspire me. Thank you all.
This month’s @refreshdc is shaping up! Details coming soon…
I’m playing Ms. Pac-man all day today for charity. Watch us online and donate now! dotsfortots.org/ (Please RT!)
Okay, so the Beercamp site is pretty ridiculous (and Inception-y): 2011.beercamp.com/
Columbus Day…we honor a man who didn’t know where he was but kept going there. (via @genecoxnbc12)
That’s two presenters in a row to use “fail” in their slides. Hoping for a hat trick at #aneventapart.
Web developer, musician (@theorchid), photographer, author, community organizer emeritus (@refreshdc), and suspect patent holder.