If you’ve got JavaScript/React/D3/WordPress chops and are interested in joining a great team in Washington DC, we’re hiring a web developer to work on data-driven editorial features @pewresearch
If you’ve got JavaScript/React/D3/WordPress chops and are interested in joining a great team in Washington DC, we’re hiring a web developer to work on data-driven editorial features @pewresearch
We’re hiring a web developer to work on data-driven editorial features as part of the digital team @pewresearch. If you’ve got JavaScript/React/WordPress chops and are interested in joining a great team in Washington DC, please give this a look pewresearch.org/web-developer
We’re hiring an analyst to lead our efforts at understanding the @pewresearch digital audience across platforms. If you’ve got data science chops+ interest in measuring audience behavior (Google Analytics, FB Insights, Twitter, MailChimp) give this a look pewrsr.ch/audience-analytics
We’re Hiring! If you are a Javascript/React developer looking for new opportunities in 2020, consider joining the digital team @pewresearch. You’ll work with a great team in DC developing data-driven features and data visualizations. pewresearch.org/javascript
We’re hiring a data analyst to help us understand our cross-platform digital audience @pewresearch using Google/Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights, Python, R, etc. If this sounds like you and you want to work with a great team in DC, give this a look:
We’re hiring a UX specialist to work on digital projects @pewresearch. If you’ve got experience with user-centered design & research, prototyping, information architecture, etc. and want to work with a team of nice, smart folks in DC, give this a look pewrsr.ch/ux
Yo, we’re hiring a summer web dev intern @pewresearch
(JavaScript, WordPress, Data Visualization, Stats, etc.)
pewrsr.ch/webdev-intern t.co/a7gRsniZ1B
Glossary of figure skating moves. bit.ly/2Ewxy50
We’re hiring a video and motion graphics producer @pewresearch. Come work with me! pewrsr.ch/video-producer
Hey #NICAR17 the digital team @pewresearch is hiring! See our listing on the jobs board, or give me a shout t.co/TmY1A2UfF6
memorization or pen and paper is how most in U.S. keep track of online passwords pewrsr.ch/2jkpeGV t.co/pkS7dIsD7R
Why 2016 election polls missed their mark bit.ly/2fVmBO9 via @pewresearch
@kingkool68 Nice work you’re doing there @billy_penn billypenn.com/2016/10/02/fishtow…
Was there no left-shark tribute?
Looks like this might be the end of the line for cardboard @kingkool68
Don’t forget @kingkool68’s (not) surprise farewell from @pewresearch is in 2 minutes …
In search of ultimate truth, @Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links bit.ly/1F14ZmR h/t @kingkool68
Left Shark, your 15-minutes of fame are over. BREAKING: 2 llamas were on the run today in AZ wapo.st/1MW7r3I
Patriots win Shark Bowl I
Whimsical Animated GIFs of Illustrations From the Smithsonian Library bit.ly/1ySjuJh
Digital @pewresearch. Dad, Philly fan, he/him. I like cats …