.@AngelList buys @ProductHunt – wow, big news for #startups serving startups forbes.com/sites/alexkonrad/2016… #acquisition
.@AngelList buys @ProductHunt – wow, big news for #startups serving startups forbes.com/sites/alexkonrad/2016… #acquisition
Last week we launched @ElectableCo. It’s not much now, but we have big plans. electable.co/
jaw dropped while looking at this ebay video game listing… this room is a work of art ebay.com/itm/5700-Games-50-Syste…
#ONA14 Tip: “10 Tech Trends” at 11:30 is being recorded! Watch later and come learn about #highcharts instead! Poll: adamnekola.com/slides/highcharts…
#ONA14 attendees: Please take my dataviz poll, help me w/ #highcharts demo: adamnekola.com/slides/highcharts… (+ come to my Sat. session) cc: @ONAconf
#gifbot knows exactly how @pewresearch works… cc @kingkool68 #StarTrek
Looking for a job, #wcphilly? @pewresearch is hiring! Bonus if you have #dataviz chops. pewresearch.org/about/careers/we… talk to me or @kingkool68
“Sliders?! Are your clients still asking for these too?” – asks slide from @sonjanyc in #wcphilly UX session cc: @beepybop @kingkool68
Just registered for @WordCamp Philly, hoping to see a @kingkool68 session: 2014.philly.wordcamp.org/
Check out the #NextAmerica with animated graphs and videos and flipping photos: pewresearch.org/next-america/ a @pewresearch interactive
Just realized with @maeveyd that next year’s Pi Day will be 3.14.15! 9:26 in the morning that day is going to be craaay! #PiDay2014
.@taupecat is trying to make “responsify” happen. She’s talking now on #RWD and WordPress taupecat.com/responsify/ #wcbalt
All the @pewresearch WordPress websites are now responsive! (@PewHispanic, @allthingscensus, @pewglobal) Check them out on mobile. #RWD
When sequestration hits, Congress will go into conclave. White smoke will signal when a new budget has been passed. Or maybe I’m confused.
Grade the 2012 #Election in the latest @pewresearch interactive: #ElectionReportCard people-press.org/quiz/election-r…
Check out my side project @simpleelection – a series of #election-related widgets for publications #FF
After installing @typekit, elements are ‘flashing’ when a @jQuery animate() event fires. Does anyone know how to fix that? #javascript #help
Excited to announce I accepted a web position with @pewresearch and will be moving to Washington, DC in August. It’s been real, #Chicago.
Manager of Digital Content @FiscalNote; Former @pewresearch. Softball pitcher; journalist; pizza. Grad of @Illinois_Alma.