I was curious how long browsers these days will wait for a JavaScript file to load before displaying content that comes after it in the page. So I tested it!
Chrome: 30s
Firefox: 30s
Edge: 20s
IE 11: 7s
Safari: 60s
Android Chrome: 63s
iOS: 75s
Test runs tinyurl.com/swngjl3
you have one problem:
you want icons in your <select> menu options.
you decide to make a custom select menu:
you now have at least 75 problems.
gonna tell my kids this is React
Been a little while since we’ve put some fresh paint on the @filamentgroup site. Fun to get a chance to do that today. Nice work, team! 🎉
(Still making some tweaks here and there, as any revamp tends to go.) t.co/k6M5SuPMi0
It’s been said before but it would be so good for the web if pages with a Lighthouse score over say, 90 could get into that top search result area, even if they’re not built using Google’s AMP framework. Feels wrong to have to rebuild/reproduce an already-fast site just for SEO
Bad news web nerds. Punxsapolyfill saw its shadow DOM today so it looks like we’re going to have 2-3 more seconds of blank screen until this page renders.
Progressive Enhancement is
less “but what if JavaScript is disabled?”, more “can our core services be more tolerant of everyday conditions”
To me, that’s the work. That’s the fun part. Shit does happen. I love the quest for resilience. The strengths of our tiers applied with care
There’s an inconvenient truth about building the web: non-ideal browsing conditions are real & common, even if we wish to believe otherwise
Regardless of their stance on iOS ad/content blockers, web devs should try them out occasionally. Amazing how many popular sites are busted.
I’ve published a talk I gave several times in 2015, Delivering Responsibly, as a transcript/essay.
Please enjoy!
t·co redirects are one of the slowest steps of browsing the web. Often noticeably slower than all the steps we fret about optimizing.
If a site falls when JavaScript is blocked, and no one hears about it because its analytics relies on JavaScript, was it still built poorly?
We don’t disable JS just to test how a site works with JS disabled.
We do it to test how a site works in non-ideal net/browsing conditions.
“Here’s another idea: output your HTML in HTML.” – @adactio adactio.com/links/6559/
Web Designer/Dev. My course: Lightning-Fast Web Performance scottjehl.com/lfwp. Author of @responsiblerwd. Part of the @filamentgroup crew. I love to surf.