Please don’t use PNGs for photographs. Use JPEGs. #Thanks
Please don’t use PNGs for photographs. Use JPEGs. #Thanks
Should WordPress Maintenance Agencies Let Clients Install Plugins Themselves? taupe.cat/3cMW92M
Here’s the first “prototype” video for the series I’m working on, “Modern Sass with Modules”. This video covers getting set up with @SassCSS tooling. Feedback is greatly appreciated! taupe.cat/2AVxZ8S taupe.cat/3gysaie #Sass t.co/C4ezMeY2Es
@kingkool68 @dshif I mean REALLY. If you’re red/green color blind (about 8.5% of people), you’re not seeing this. t.co/HJrVgaSOvF
But stop using my clients’ admin dashboard as an advertising platform. That’s not its purpose, and all you’re doing is cheapening the #WordPress experience. /end rant
So I wrote a thing about SVG icons and Sass and keeping things maintainable and hey, look, it’s on @CSS: css-tricks.com/creating-a-mainta…
So here’s something new…
@taupecatstudios is looking for a WordPress developer (contract). Deets here: taupecatstudios.com/open-positio… #WordPress #hiring
The WordPress #CSSGrid Tour of 2017 makes its third and final stop tomorrow night. Come to #WPDC and learn the latest layout tool in your CSS arsenal. taupe.cat/2ziNLcm
Be there *and* be square! t.co/TFfZcGSJhq
RLRT @atarinut: I see a lot of phones not unlocking on Halloween. 😊 #AppleEvent
(pssst. hey. i know y’all are watching #comey, but you can update #WordPress in the background. 4.8 now available. wordpress.org/news/2017/06/evans…)
❤️ “$PHP = 💩;” by Simon Yousoufov medium.com/fuzz/php-a0d0b1d365d8
and now, the incomparable @kingkool68 on running high availability WordPress on @awscloud. #WCBalt
No WordCamp would be possible w/o the work of its volunteers. Thanks to everyone who helped put together #WCLanc!
the web is not print.
the web is not print.
the web is not print.
the web is not print.
the web is not print.
the web is not print.
the web…
“Everything should be accessible, and that’s the WordPress way.” — @mor10 #WCUS #StateOfTheWord #a11y
calling it done: responsivewptheming.com/ #RWD #WordPress
Announcement time! Starting next month, I’ll be teaching #WordPress for developers classes at @GA_DC! [1/3]
Thanks everyone who came out to see my @WordPressDC talk. Slides at taupecat.github.io/cssdevconf.
How Pew does WordPress, by @kingkool68. #WordPressDC @ Canvas Co/work instagram.com/p/qNgRsPj5xm/
Confused about AWS & WP-CLI? Think that’s just more gov’t alphabet soup? @WordPressDC is tonight at @CWFarragutNorth. buff.ly/1l2HemV
#WordPress technical architect. Lover of sea otters, CSS, Outlander, and skiing. T-shirt wearing is NOT an endorsement. How can I be an ally? 🏳️🌈 she/her