.@RupertMyers—in which case, you’re guilty of shoddy journalism—or you think Eric deserved the pain for his unthinking use of the web…
.@RupertMyers—in which case, you’re guilty of shoddy journalism—or you think Eric deserved the pain for his unthinking use of the web…
.@RupertMyers Hi. Either you didn’t read Eric’s post and picked a terrible example to make the case that we should be careful what we share–
Rupert Myers is an idiot.
It’s not just sad and a shame, it’s morally wrong that so many sites are ugly, inaccessible, and unusable; that so many CEOs shop on price.
I love what the web can do for people; love the crafts of design, markup, writing, UX, code. It kills me that so much of our web sucks.
“Solve the REAL problem—your boss’s expectation that websites look and work the same in all browsers. Don’t perpetuate the problem.” #aeasd
The more tools (modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap) you use by default, the more download tax you’re putting on user. @adactio #aeasd
✩ How Tweet It Is! Top tweets and hot nuggets from @aneventapart DC 2013. cog.gd/5kc
Every website has two dream killers: the organization and the ads.
“Design systems, not pages.” @samanthatoy #aeasf
The Maps will continue until morale improves.
★ An Event Apart announces its 2013 schedule. 8 cities, 8 shows. Tickets available now! aneventapart.com/
Photos and drawings from @aneventapart DC: three days of design, code and content for people who make websites. #aeadc cog.gd/46h
“You can’t mock up performance in Photoshop.” @brad_frost #aea
Feeling way better. Psyched for tomorrow’s show! #aea
✩ On Twit.TV, @leolaporte interviews me about web standards, content first and why communists make lousy band managers. cog.gd/45f
…Better luck next time. @aneventapart DC has sold out. cog.gd/2qo
“Having complete freedom is the worst way to begin a design project. What do you do, draw a chicken?” @colly on constraints #aeasea
Whoever uses the most jargon has the least confidence in their ideas. – Scott Berkun #aea
Use these characters to check your type: “agh! iIl1” #aea
Author. Web Standards Godfather. Designer @Automattic. Founder & Publisher @AListApart. Co-Founder/Host @AnEventApart. Publisher @ABookApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.