I hadn’t heard of the Request Map Generator tool before, but it looks like a *super* useful tool: trentwalton.com/notes/2018/05/30… #aeaorl
I hadn’t heard of the Request Map Generator tool before, but it looks like a *super* useful tool: trentwalton.com/notes/2018/05/30… #aeaorl
Everytime you see a captcha, that is a developer deciding that a spambot is a user problem, not a developer problem. – @adactio #aeaorl
Imperative languages, while more powerful than declarative, are also more fragile. HTML and CSS are more resilient than JavaScript. #AEAORL
In contrast, JavaScript is an imperative language, containing exact instructions. @adactio #aeaorl
CSS and HTML are declarative languages. They declare what they want, and the browser figures it out. @adactio #aeaorl
Author. Web Standards Godfather. Designer @Automattic. Founder & Publisher @AListApart. Co-Founder/Host @AnEventApart. Publisher @ABookApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.