Interested in doing a conference talk? Then here is everything you need to know… bit.ly/2VzmnCZ By Joe Casabona @jcasabona
Interested in doing a conference talk? Then here is everything you need to know… bit.ly/2VzmnCZ By Joe Casabona @jcasabona
@jcasabona Twitter is trolling me
@jcasabona Congrats on becoming a basketball team!
@jcasabona Color coordinate with all of your shirts.
@jcasabona @chriscoyier Expanding on this…
WordPress looks at all of the unique keys stored in the post_meta table. Since something is storing hashed keys you get a lot of garbage in the custom fields drop down since the hashes are all unique.
@jcasabona I dig that. Does she hold up her end of the deal? (assuming Teresa is the one going to daycare 😜)
@jcasabona Build eBay with Gutenberg.
@jcasabona There a great idea. When can you come down to start babysitting?
@taupecat @jeremyfelt @jcasabona Actually github.com/jaredly/qmoji
@anthonydpaul @jcasabona I hate when people say “former” and “latter”
@jcasabona I love me my Ubiquity gear for home networking
@jcasabona @taupecat Someone has just endorsed you for C Y B E R
Responsive vs. m. mobile specific site webinsation.com/responsive-desig… #wclanc @jcasabona
Parsec: A fully responsive WordPress theme that @jcasabona will be building the right way on GitHub github.com/jcasabona/parsec #wclanc
RICG Responsive Images WordPress Plugin using srcset. Install. Activate. You’re Done. #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
RESS: Responsive Design + Server Side Components (Not a good idea IMHO) lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1392 #wclanc @jcasabona
Inline SVG vs Icon Fonts css-tricks.com/icon-fonts-vs-svg… #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
.@jcasabona talking about #rwd & themes. Not quite sure what the Star Wars reference is about. #wclanc
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.