Everything you ever wanted to know about selectors in D3 github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Sele… #refreshdc
Everything you ever wanted to know about selectors in D3 github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Sele… #refreshdc
d3.scale.linear() converts a range of data and converts it to a pixel value scale for visualizing data. #refreshdc @SethBlanchard
D3 is great for data visualizations that you can’t do in HighCharts. #refreshdc
Venturing into Virginia for #refreshdc
Element Collages from @danielmall danielmall.com/articles/rif-elem… #RefreshDC
styletil.es/ are ideal for focusing on the elements of a site. #RefreshDC
Don’t be afraid of white space. #RefreshDC
“Finding the right typeface is honestly a lot of trial and error. What looks right. What feels right.” – @chuckborowicz #RefreshDC
Typeface is a chair lauraserra.org/A-Typeface-is-a-C… #RefreshDC
“Monochromatic does not mean grayscale” – @chuckborowicz #RefreshDC
“We have cognitive association with colors. It’s why dentists don’t advertise with the color red.” – @chuckborowicz #RefreshDC
Elements – things that make up a design; Principles – what we do with those elements #RefreshDC
“As designers we should give actionable feedback to each other.” – @chuckborowicz #refreshdc
Details and consistency are what build trust in a UI. Things on the screen should look intentional and not haphazard. #refreshdc
Boxes and lines around everything slow down your reading. The less chrome the better. Make it fade back in the background #refreshdc
It’s worth making things smaller in a design in order to make your anchor bigger creating a bigger impact. #refreshdc
“Design is not a democracy. It’s not everyone gets a trophy day.” #refreshdc
Learning about chuckin’ apples from the web. (at @nclud for #RefreshDC w/ @whitmoyer) [pic]: 4sq.com/19Wj4po
Conclusion from the crowd at #refreshdc about responsive design: Designers and developers actually have to talk to each other. // @clarissa
I’m going! RT @refreshdc:The topic of next week’s #RefreshDC: Don’t be Afraid of the RIA. You’re the first to know: j.mp/4Abw4
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.