My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: bit.ly/v8OYLu #a11ydc #a11y
My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: bit.ly/v8OYLu #a11ydc #a11y
[Blog] Accessibility Camp DC Review – bit.ly/n4EVXO My main takeaways from today’s event, thank you! #a11ydc #accessibility #dc
@cmcnally Great to finally meet you too. Hope those HTML accessibility tips come in handy. Good luck with @KeenGuides #a11yDC
Amazing that the team behind theAddThis social bookmarking tool made #accessibility an actual team goal. #BottomUpApproach #a11ydc
@jfc3 What? Your training comes with homework?!?! Did you see the Day Apart speaker for DC 2011? #a11ydc
Snooze away. You deserve it! RT @jfc3 finally relaxing after a few weeks or stress (work) and planing for Accessibility Camp DC. #a11ydc
Already learning and making WordPress patches. core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1… #a11ydc ( @kingkool68 might deserve the props)
Big ups and thanks to @jfc3 for putting on an awesome Accessibility Camp DC! Learned a lot and met a bunch of cool new people. #a11ydc
live video streaming of Accessibility Camp DC starts at 10 AM EDT – bit.ly/a11ydcvideo #a11ydc
My #a11ydc talk will be at noon in the east lobby of the MLK library.
FireEyes is a Firefox add-on that works with Firebug to help with web accessibility testing j.mp/9iNsPP #a11ydc
“What would the web be like if it were easy to make accessible content?” – @jspellman #a11ydc That’s basically WP, with “accessible” added.
@Jennison Can’t wait. I;ve gottas finish my presentation tonight #a11ydc
@jfc3 Tell them to come to camp tomorrow. I’ll be talking code #a11ydc
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.