If you don’t want to hear boring #keynotes at #decweek come hear about why Drupal Sucks at @fathomcreative #dcphp – meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/2973321…
If you don’t want to hear boring #keynotes at #decweek come hear about why Drupal Sucks at @fathomcreative #dcphp – meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/2973321…
@jbrwebc It certainly makes things a lot more flexible and easier to use for the end user #dcphp
Here is the code for my custom WordPress metabox class I talked about last night at #dcphp @nacin is.gd/irutn
Slides from my #DCPHP talk tonight ePub and WordPress ping.fm/TZ0BE
#dcphp Two WordPress sites I work on are pewglobal.org and pewsocialtrends.org Good examples of accessibility as well.
@jlleblanc It’s actually flickr.com/photos/vincentgallego… #dcphp
@farrelley When is it? I can talk about what the Pew Research Center is doing with WordPress and ePub books #DCPHP
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.