statuscake.com/ is like Pingdom but free
statuscake.com/ is like Pingdom but free
KeyCDN is half the price of Amazon CloundFront ($0.04/GB vs $0.085/GB) with lots of bells and whistles keycdn.com/?a=7826
“My site, my wife’s sites, my mother and father-in-laws sites” – Nerdy family @LewAyotte
If you don’t want to deal with server complexities yourself go with a managed WordPress host like @wpengine and @getpantheon
WP Redis Object Cache plugin from @getpantheon wordpress.org/plugins/wp-redis/
Deliver all the things from Nginx with Subs Filters in CloudFront for WordPress
Use EasyEngine
– Nginx
– Maria DB
– Redis Object Caching
– EWWW for Image Optimization
– CloudFront CDN
General causes for a Slow TTFB:
– Misconfigured server
– Bad plugins
– Bad themes
One.com offers $0.25 a month hosting. Interesting.
Nobody likes to stare at a blank screen waiting for your website to download.
Time to First Byte is the most important performance metric, how fast can the server deliver the page.
– Push service: You upload assets to the CDN
– Pull service: Pulls assets from your server as they are requested
– Network of servers around the world that cache static files closer to your visitors
– Jetpack Photon (CDN-ish but also free)
Compress Images:
– WP Smush it wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit…
– Kraken wordpress.org/plugins/kraken-ima…
– EWWW wordpress.org/plugins/ewww-image…
HTML5 Boiler Plate nginx server configs for better server performance github.com/h5bp/server-configs-n…
HTML5 Boiler Plate Apache Server Configs for better server performance github.com/h5bp/server-configs-a…
Cache static content:
Once a browser downloads a static file it can hold on to it for later to save requests back to the server.
Keep-Alive header
– Keeps a connection open between the browser and server
– Saves time
– Most sites have these enabled by default
Time to first byte – the amount of time it takes your server to send a browser the first byte of your page.
Google Page Insights can also help. More user friendly. Not as granular.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.