OH: “I hear they pass around PHP a lot here at these WordCamps? Is that like a new party drug?” #wcbalt
OH: “I hear they pass around PHP a lot here at these WordCamps? Is that like a new party drug?” #wcbalt
Your WordPress Website Checklist: ow.ly/S7UrN #wcbalt
So many great talks at #wcbalt! If you’re missing 1 by attending another, find videos archived at wordpress.tv @wordcampbalt
@kingkool68 is hijacking the #wcbalt hashtag. #whenwillitend #willsomeonethinkofthechildren #thanksobama
Hey #wcbalt if you like WordCamps you should checkout #wcus in Philly in December. Tickets are on sale again 2015.us.wordcamp.org/tickets/
Techcrunch open sourced their WordPress Asynchronous Tasks library on GitHub github.com/techcrunch/wp-async-t… #wcbalt
I’ll be live tweeting from #wcbalt this morning over on my other account @RussellHeimlich
Get your #WCBALT tickets NOW! baltimore.wordcamp.org/2015/tick…
Schedule, Speakers & Sessions online – more info coming! baltimore.wordcamp.org/2015/sche…
Decided to call it a night. Keep partying on #wcbalt after partyers.
The Cathedral and the Bazaar catb.org/esr/writings/homesteadi… Open source thinking. #wcbalt
TRUTH! @aaronjorbin: “enemy is NOT other open source projects; the enemy is closed-source.” #WCBalt
There’s a group for improving WordPress’ documentation make.wordpress.org/docs/ #wcbalt
Keys to submitting bug reports for WordPress #wcbalt
“Decisions have URLs” that way the conversation leading up to that decision can live on after an in person conversation. #wcbalt
“We don’t have an us vs them dichotomy” one of my fav parts of the wordpress community #wcbalt
You know it’s a great WordCamp when the day flies by. Nice job WordCamp Baltimore! #wcbalt
Seeing unsarcastic @aaronjorbin is weird. #wcbalt
Now it’s time for the @aaronjorbin keynote…let the heckling begin! #wcbalt @wordcampbalt
WordPress has a bunch of great functions for sanitizing different types of data codex.wordpress.org/Function_Ref… #wcbalt
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.