Instant articles. So fast the session about them ended early. #wcus
Instant articles. So fast the session about them ended early. #wcus
Lunchtime consensus:
2015: Too many dev-focused session
2016: Not enough dev-focused session
“Donations are great! I’ve made $50 over 5 years. It’s ok to sell your product.” – @pippinsplugins #WCUS
Defensive coding prevents things from going wrong because you don’t now what other themes or plugins might be installed on a site. #WCUS
.@pippinsplugins recommends focusing on a niche problem when starting a premium WordPress product. #WCUS
“Hi. I only communicate with you through commit messages and Trac tickets. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“Coding is fighting with your former self” – @ryanmarkel #WCUS
Starting #wcus off right with @WordPressDC ! We’re right in the front for opening remarks.
Made it to Philly for WordCamp US. #ZadieAlyssa #wcus #cityhall #philadelphia #philly instagram.com/p/BNfxUWVBXmF/
Hey #WCUS! If you want to know what is going on in Philly you should check out billypenn.com Its powered by WordPress 🙂
Packing for #wcus. What nerdy t-shirts to wear? Decisions… decisions…
“Everything should be accessible, and that’s the WordPress way.” — @mor10 #WCUS #StateOfTheWord #a11y
“WordPress is going to reverse the trend of closed APIs.” – @photomatt #WCUS
Up next: The Future Stack: Running WordPress with Tomorrow’s Technologies w/ @aaronjorbin and @tollmanz
The WiFi is working again. You can follow @russellheimlich where I’ll live tweet some stuff #wcus
Conference WiFi is the 3rd hardest thing in computer science. Other 2 are cache invalidation, naming things, and off by 1 errors #wcus
I have safely made it off the bus and am surrounded by people who can pronounce “water” properly. Thank you for your concerns. #wcus
I’m on a bus #wcus
Hey #wcbalt if you like WordCamps you should checkout #wcus in Philly in December. Tickets are on sale again 2015.us.wordcamp.org/tickets/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.