Announcing Frontenberg! A frontend, logged out #Gutenberg playground that lets you test out the new #WordPress editor instantly frontenberg.tomjn.com/ t.co/KCJLP0nate
Announcing Frontenberg! A frontend, logged out #Gutenberg playground that lets you test out the new #WordPress editor instantly frontenberg.tomjn.com/ t.co/KCJLP0nate
I’ve learned a lot about the tech industry from my friends I’ve gained many female role models because of it. My daughter (12) wants to interview you.
Females, what inspired you to get into tech?
My dude @kingkool68 made it onto @HallwayChats! Definitely worth a listen. #WordPress buff.ly/2lLXLER
Digging the campy feel of the artwork at WordCamp Baltimore.
#wcbalt #wordpress #wordcamp instagram.com/p/BaPag7GFLRx/
Steve Carr presenting at tonight’s @WordPressDC Meetup! #WordPress
For anyone who hedged their bets on #WordPress under HHVM, the other shoe just dropped… hhvm.com/blog/2017/09/18/the-fut… t.co/0m60LAVQZI
Show that you care about the success of the #Baltimore #WordPress community by becoming a #WCBalt sponsor. 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/call…
Slides for my talk tonight at @WordPressDC! #WordPress #SEO #backlinks buff.ly/2fpQLe4
Tickets are Officially on sale for WordCamp Baltimore 2017! 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/tick… #wcbalt #WordCamp #WordPress
Wishing @wordcampdc good luck this weekend with their first ever WordCamp. #WordPress
We seriously dig being a @wordcampdc sponsor. Our team couldn’t be happier! #WordPress buff.ly/2sTIeBt
(pssst. hey. i know y’all are watching #comey, but you can update #WordPress in the background. 4.8 now available. wordpress.org/news/2017/06/evans…)
#WordPress “Exotic” Setups Survey:
Help us find out how WordPress is used and what doesn’t work!
Please ReTweet!
.@kingkool68 will cover the nuts and bolts of a highly-scalable cloud hosting set-up specifically for #WordPress. 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/sess…
@daljo628 We just launched a new non-publicized feature:
Hey, everyone, we are hiring! Join our diverse and inclusive team. yikesinc.com/about-yikes-inc/joi… #WordPress #phillyjobs
I’m going to start up #WordPress Tutoring again – could you please help me share this 2 question survey?!! wp.zacgordon.com/wordpress-tutor…
Got questions about #WordPress tools, themes, strategies…life in general? Come out to @WordPressDC 3/15 for help meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
#WordPress & IE: Adding Conditional Comments to Scripts and Stylesheets by @kingkool68 bit.ly/1os6w34
calling it done: responsivewptheming.com/ #RWD #WordPress
#WordPress technical architect. Lover of sea otters, CSS, Outlander, and skiing. T-shirt wearing is NOT an endorsement. How can I be an ally? 🏳️🌈 she/her