@BlankSky No worries. Bacon conquers all.
@BlankSky No worries. Bacon conquers all.
@BlankSky Yea that looks like a tough sell.
@BlankSky Cool just checking. Didn’t want to be awkward or anything
@BlankSky BYOMM is bring your own macho man right?
@BlankSky You could grab multiple RSS feeds and run them through Yahoo Pipes or something.
@BlankSky Ahhh, much better. Now you just need closed captions.
@BlankSky Using FeedRoom?
@blanksky Oops. Hit the wrong button for a blank reply.
@BlankSky Would like to know myself. I dunno with Facebook. I ‘m sure you can with Twitter.
@jfc3 @jessabean @FriedChickpea @blanksky We could do hot coal fire walking…
@BlankSky You should have a fire pit party on Saturday night unless you’re out jumping off cliffs on a two wheel vehicular contraption
@BlankSky I’ll buy the domain, file the paper work, build the website, and launch it… but don’t hold your breath.
@BlankSky we should start a league of the professional ball droppers.
@BlankSky Uh… sure. Where do I send the info to?
USA Today is hiring a web designer. You’d get to have the AWESOME @blanksky as your boss – authenticjobs.com/jobs/8420/web-…
@BlankSky Hellz Yeah!
@blanksky Congrats on your adoption of @cohenspire
@BlankSky The Baltimore Aquarium is awesome. Have a great time
@blanksky Re: Netvibes mobile site and hiding address/status bars <meta name=”apple-mobile-web-app-capable” content=”yes” />
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.