@aaronjorbin @janeforshort @jfc3 @Jennison Flattered!
@aaronjorbin @janeforshort @jfc3 @Jennison Flattered!
@Jennison You can’t use something unless you can access it. #accessibility #usability #ux #a11y
@Jennison that’s the plan 🙂
@Jennison had a complimentary virgin strawberry daiquiri
@Jennison Real life airport commentary…
@Jennison The wife talked me into doing a session of Insanity. I hate working out but kudos to her for doing it.
@Jennison Do you have any stats on the deaf? Giving a presentation next week.
@Jennison Wait… Canada has elections? eh?
@Jennison most stunning infogeaphics are a visual mess. The stun comes from the shock of trying to figure out where to start.
@Jennison @catroy You mean double-tilde (≈; HTML entity ≈ )
@Jennison It would scold the user for not using control/cmd +/- #UX #accessibility
@Jennison Whoa! That’s a cool trick
@Jennison Wait.. did you type all that JavaScript nonsense by hand? Can you copy and paste with jaws?
@Jennison You’re missing an email you’ll just delete everyday.
@Jennison I think the losers might feel relieved.
@Jennison I’m handing out Crunch bars, Twix, and Pretzel M&Ms.
@Jennison was it in the high 70s and humid the other day? Today it feels like fall.
Yeah, and? RT @Jennison I want a “yeah, and?” button in Facebook.
@Jennison Sure thing wanna skye sometime?
@Jennison Will do. Hey I thought of an accessibility start-up last night. Wanna hear about it?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.