@mattwilcox I can see a budding rapper…
@mattwilcox “Sleep when the baby is sleeping”
@mattwilcox I find I have to restart Chrome once or twice a day.
@MattWilcox 9% more babies, eh?
@mattwilcox anton-pirker.at/manually-invalid… Install a module, set-up a URL, make a request to purge a particular URL.
@timharbour @mattwilcox I dunno we can experience the future (imagination) and the past (nostalgia)
@mattwilcox Time is a man-made concept like the alphabet and numbers. It works because we, as a species, have agreed to how it works.
@mattwilcox The past cannot be changed. The future contains events that can be altered. Also the present is pretty fluid depending on scale
@mattwilcox “Now” is a point in time when the potential for modifying points in the future reaches 0.
@mattwilcox I use AMPPS.
@mattwilcox What if Google made a way to package websites as apps a la Fluid or single-site browsers. Then this would be moot.
@mattwilcox Yea it does seem kind of strange.
@mattwilcox It’s a different front-end that talks to the backend (PHP) via an API allowing it to be disconnected from the website itself.
@mattwilcox What’s the problem? iTerm is still fine? 🙂
@mattwilcox Google will show you etymology stuff when you add “etymology” after a word…
@MattWilcox Caching. Don’t leave your home page without it.