@SawatdeeRuck That’s one nice chart

@sawatdeeruck Funny. I’m an A/V geek.

@sawatdeeruck Are you a flight attendant? You’re all about airplanes.

@SawatdeeRuck More than 20 virtual machines?!? IMPRESSIVE!!!

@SawatdeeRuck @naudebynature hearts scrapple too. And she made the breakfast. I just took the picture.

@SawatdeeRuck If you’re not taking pictures of you… then who is?

@SawatdeeRuck steve jobs is truly dead.

@SawatdeeRuck nice I know one of the organizers.

@SawatdeeRuck appears to be. I’ll fix it when I’m near a computer

@SawatdeeRuck I wish #DUXcamp didn’t conflict with @AccessCampDC

@SawatdeeRuck Don’t worry it was just a sewer nozzle cleaner #DontSendMeBackToWork

@SawatdeeRuck @seclarke Something like this… is.gd/f1Wnx5

@SawatdeeRuck @seclarke Yup. And make sure any login requests have to be approved by you. I don’t know how to do that. Spam bots are tricky

@SawatdeeRuck @seclarke Wow you have your own wiki!?! That’s awesome. My advice, password protect it before spammers find it and ruin ur wrk

@SawatdeeRuck Drats! Just found it its the same day as Accessibility Camp DC. Curses!

@SawatdeeRuck Betcha didn’t know my birth name was Franky Maximilian did you?

@SawatdeeRuck t’was I saw you on Google latitude. You’re one of 3 people I know who uses the misunderstood service

@SawatdeeRuck Speaking of updates, what have you been up to these days?