@ammy914 Bite him back.
@ammy914 Bite him back.
@ammy914 YESSSssss!
@ammy914 maybe he’s trying to say “mud butt”?
@ammy914 MURDER!
@ammy914 see if they have a special on ice
@ammy914 Zadie shoves her bath toys into my mouth as well so she can pull it out again.
@ammy914 Just felt one of Zadie’s coming in on top.
@AstickofGum @ammy914 @naudebynature I thought it was neat and you mom’s would appreciate it
@AstickofGum @ammy914 @naudebynature red retro play kitchen washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/…
@ammy914 Help him climb some stairs. That wear Zadie out a little bit.
@ammy914 she’s snoring in a cut babby like fashion
@ammy914 case in point… This is how she’s sleeping right now
@ammy914 I prefer to bond with my child and share experiences and nap when they nap.
@ammy914 Pat yourself on the boob.
@ammy914 thankies! I get to get a new garbage disposal. Yay 30!
@ammy914 fight through the yelling. Be strong.
@ammy914 That is certainly a perk!
@ammy914 Macs have a photo booth app or apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us… on Windows
@ammy914 Just say no. You’ll never catch up. Take a break.
@ammy914 The Internet. It’s what I’m good at.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.