@lucasdailey @anthonydpaul HTML/CSS
@trepmal @anthonydpaul You should. This would have saved me a lot of agony if I stumbled on it.
@anthonydpaul @trepmal Ahem… you spelled Vim wrong.
@anthonydpaul @duqe @phparch @sandys1 Same reason you think Coffeescript is a good idea…
@anthonydpaul @phparch @SandyS1 I know your post is a joke. But this is a real thing phpjs.org/
@anthonydpaul I believe it’s called a “flip the flapjacks” icon.
@anthonydpaul DC jQuery is canceled for tonight.
@anthonydpaul The 80’s called and are repossessing them apparently.
@nacin @anthonydpaul @kingkool68 Please help with short research survey on web design/dev goo.gl/eoLmtQ Really appreciate a RT
@anthonydpaul @duqe Yup, they sure did en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condom
@anthonydpaul @duqe But they have condom pockets. Did condoms exist in the 1950’s?
@lizrawr @anthonydpaul This has worked pretty well russellheimlich.com/blog/combat-…
@anthonydpaul @wordpressdc I’m down. I’ve got something to demo.
@anthonydpaul DAMNNNN YOU GOT CRABs!
@anthonydpaul Note to self: stop broadcasting my evil plans over Twitter. Start searching for laboratory built into the side of a volcano.
@anthonydpaul Note to self: Anthony seems to like his team. Steal Anthony’s team.
@anthonydpaul Hey that’s what I had for breakfast.