Watching @anthonydpaul captivate at his #wcbalt talk
@anthonydpaul Wasn’t me.
@caseydriscoll @wordcampphilly Lots in the designer track as well @anthonydpaul
@anthonydpaul Home insurance is fun too
@anthonydpaul @chuckborowicz error what Anthony said.
@chuckborowicz @anthonydpaul reduction in email
@anthonydpaul @chipcullen @chuckborowicz
@nathanacurtis @anthonydpaul Do you have a Gifbot?
@anthonydpaul I thought the same thing
@ramiabraham @anthonydpaul this car was not in a condition to be on the road. All jacked up, swerving, danger to public, slow enough to pass
@anthonydpaul driving on their rims along I-70
@chipcullen @anthonydpaul You want a box of them?
Hitching up the horse and buggy and making my way to WordCamp Lancaster w/ @anthonydpaul #wclanc
@anthonydpaul @elgreg see flyer for your neighborhood code, go to county site to lookup code if you neighborhood is scheduled, otherwise fu
@anthonydpaul @elgreg this year Montgomery county totally hid the days they were doing leaf pickup in some obscure lookup process
@anthonydpaul @elgreg mornings of trash days I awake in terror. 2x a week because we suburban hard.
@anthonydpaul Howdy bestie.
@anthonydpaul I think it’s the other way around. Mother nature is ordering an intervention on us.
@anthonydpaul @johnpbloch Busted pipe flooding the basement for me.
@anthonydpaul Aw Drats.