@AstickofGum only to go to bed earlier. I only got 9 hours of continuous uninterrupted sleep.
“He is crushing that cat on your shirt” RT @naudebynature Chillin with the boys instagram.com/p/mGyi1Nxzel/ cc/ @AstickofGum
@astickofgum Extra corny, dawg.
@astickofgum Correcting <figcaption> font size when it’s nested inside an <li>
@astickofgum Well I paid my bill twice. Does that make me above average?
@AstickofGum you mean Full House? Cc @baconforjesse #unclejesse
@kathkat15 @astickofgum I hope this will happen in one sitting… Is this why you don’t want any visitors in the cave of solitude?
@astickofgum ♫ These are a few of my favorite thing! ♫
@AstickofGum This seems super weird and has to deal with babies so I thought you would like it fastcodesign.com/3024940/design-…
@astickofgum I’m not dead. Stop worrying.
@astickofgum @smellyice Why are you asking Twitter? Ask your unborn child… it’s all about them!
@smellyice @astickofgum After every 2 showings of Groundhog Day you should play one viewing of Dejavu imdb.com/title/tt0453467/
@astickofgum The Look Who’s Talking trilogy on repeat.
@snowpunk @astickofgum And both have terrible websites you come to expect from dentists.
@astickofgum Dr. Kitahara in Laurel even does Saturday appointments…
@astickofgum medoula oblongata?