@QuinnyPig @backblaze I just store everything as key value pairs using Route 53
@round @arqbackup @backblaze 1 TB of storage:
– Dropbox: $8.25
– Backblaze B2: $5.12
@round You can use @arqbackup to back things up to @backblaze B2… backblaze.com/b2/integrations.ht…
@round I back everything up to @backblaze B2. $0.005/GB/month
@jgarber @backblaze A Synology NAS + Google Photos + Amazon Prime Photos + BackBlaze B2 (way cheaper than S3)
@cohenspire @jfc3 @backblaze I dunno. It was pretty bad when my NAS crashed and I needed to use an Ubuntu VM to back it up and restore.