@benadam11 @miked1ck Ages ago I took over a website and found out they were using Microsoft Access to manage their content. To prove it worked the outgoing developer cut all of the cells to his clipboard, refreshed the website where there was no content, then pasted all of the content back. 😱
@benadam11 My kids seem to know when we have deduced that they’re starting to have a favorite food. It’s usually after we buy said food in bulk
@benadam11 Treats for good behavior. If they don’t like their dinner we give them a small snack like an applesauce packet or peanut butter and jelly and they get no treat. They actually seem to really like fruit/veggies so no problem offering that as much as they want.
@benadam11 It’s pretty rad when they start taking care of themselves when you didn’t expect them to