@MouseyMik @booboozela Ahem… you mean Charles Town Races & Sluts?
@booboozela Thought of you is.gd/5J3uhQ
@booboozela What a bunch of doodie heads.
@booboozela I thought we went over this: GOBS OF MONEY!
@booboozela Make gobs and gobs of money #businessPlan101
@booboozela no retweet for you.
@booboozela buy a fan to be cool.
@booboozela WTF do you need a watch for? Don’t you have a cell phone?
@booboozela Wait there’s a class for that? Everyone needs that knowledge. Do live tweet the questions.
@booboozela Why does it take so long to fill a prescription?
@booboozela What does a Pharmacist do? Besides wear a lab coat while bagging my stuff from CVS?
@booboozela because I’m white.
@booboozela @naudebynature is going to that tonight.
@booboozela CVS must be pleased.
@booboozela This is how you look like in my mind… is.gd/gLlJD1
@booboozela @drotoriouz My monument is famous on Google Street View is.gd/yCQqeT
@booboozela You can come to DC anytime you want and touch my monuments.
Well you might consider tackling world hunger or poverty… RT @booboozela just joined google+, what should i do now @kingkool68?!
@booboozela 1) Leave the line 2) go to Baked & Wired which is right around the corner on Thomas Jefferson street. 3) Thank me later