@brownorama Duo works really well. My wife and I use it all the time.
“Which Mighty Ducks film was the worst in the series, @brownorama?”
“3, definitely 3.”
@brownorama @aaronjorbin did this with Google Moderator for a lightning talk type thing aaron.jorb.in/blog/2013/12/a-cra…
@brownorama I like their nav menu on my small screen. So they have that right. No more vertical lists of links.
@brownorama Not if the publisher accidentally sends you the royalty checks.
@brownorama The Da Vinci Code 2?
@brownorama lookup YouTube 10 hour loops
@chuckborowicz @brownorama YeaItsNotThatHardToDoYaKnow
@brownorama Actually about film aesthetic… theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/…
@brownorama Facial hair aesthetic?
@brownorama The full page takeover ad.
@brownorama Sounds ripe for conflict.
@brownorama @designmary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@brownorama Yes you have darkpatterns.org/
@brownorama You forgot Frumpy Friday.
@brownorama Yay you read my 140 characters of nonsense.
@brownorama How do you get people to do stuff?
@brownorama @chuckborowicz imgur.com/r/peoplehavingagoodtim…
@brownorama Same thing. My favorite tweet was twitter.com/benhjacobs/status/18…