@charliepark Anytime. You going to UXCamp DC tomorrow?
@charliepark Anytime. You going to UXCamp DC tomorrow?
@charliepark Expanding nested child elements works fine for me Do you keep hitting the X to turn off Firebug instead of minimize?
@charliepark The X now deactivates Firebug for that site. You really want to minimize (downward arrow) bit.ly/6s9OtK
@charliepark Sounds like a complex task without spitting out dumb sounding grammar: “Hey what are you using?” => what are you use?
@charliepark Hey Charlie, I would love to A/B test my sites. How do I do it?
@charliepark Drats. I was hoping you had some super cool new tool i’ve never heard of.
@charliepark Viva la @Grooveshark Forget Pandora.
@charliepark @naudebynature and I will be going out for 10 years in March. We’re not married yet.
It’s like Gravatar for your Twitter stream RT @charliepark:I launched a new web app today: twinkylinks.com.
@charliepark undo button after a la GMail.
@charliepark @bobthecow Oops! Use HTML tag and BODY tag a div with ID=”wrapper” is pointless.
@charliepark I always capitalize Internet because it is a single object. There aren’t Internets, there are lots of smaller networks.
@charliepark You mean this? w3.org/TR/WCAG-TECHS/H43.html Seems like there is a better way. I’d ask @jfciii
@charliepark Yea, really wordy. Would be nice if you they added a picture or two into the mix.
@CasualRepartee Hey I know that guy in the photo on the 2nd page it’s @charliepark
@charliepark Whoa! That red is bright!
@charliepark It’s pretty quick. Definitely not a burden if you were to scan all of your receipts you acquired at the end of the day.
@charliepark I usually wrap an input in a label. Usually a couple of labels inside a fieldset if I need to group them in a large form.
@charliepark You mean like this -> tinyurl.com/6rgs9p
@charliepark RE: Commemorative print editions HA HA
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.