@chipcullen Good write up. Way to fill a need. Working with comment forms in WordPress is a bear.
@chipcullen Good write up. Way to fill a need. Working with comment forms in WordPress is a bear.
@chipcullen If you look at the source code of your page, you’ll see if WP Super Cache is caching it or not.
@chipcullen And something like this makes it easier to bust the cache when you update JS or CSS files is.gd/ry6znA
@chipcullen You can tweak when local assets expire so they’re not requested as much. Read through this is.gd/nE13ic
@chipcullen Check the settings, you’re not caching ‘Pages’ like is.gd/LwsqI1
@chipcullen Throw a caching plugin like Wp Super Cache or W3Total Cache
@chipcullen It’s called the new iPad which is what every average person calls it by.
@chipcullen Did something similar for is.gd/A7yivk but each menu was based on a year. Each year is a custom post type.
@chipcullen then in your page call the menu based on the slug of the page. Can’t think of a way to do that without code.
@chipcullen Create an array of page slugs you want to have different menus for, loop over the array, and create a new menu position for each
@chipcullen Yuck. That is kind of complicated unless you know some PHP .
@chipcullen And defining section as… A Category? A custom post type? Something else?
@chipcullen Whatacha working on?
@chipcullen @davidbaron Wow still. I bitched about that back in 2008 is.gd/PEHXV5
@chipcullen It’s also great at taking up space in your dock.
@chipcullen Had it enabled for years, always Googled for the weather anyways.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.